New Commission underway. Casa di Scout - Pizzeria.
Here's what Scout's mom says about her. This also points to the direction I'm taking in the painting.
A little about our doghter (daughter) Scout:
Scout loves to be at eye level! Especially if we are having a conversation or on the computer. She has to sit and look at you at eye level. She loves treats!! Scout is not a great eater, but put 3 different type of treats on the floor in front of her and she will sniff each one about 2/3 times and then decide which one to take. We don't give her human food, but when the pizza guy shows up she goes crazy. She loves pizza! Scout loves humans hates/dislikes dogs. It just seems that she couldn't be bothered by them.
Scout is a Shih Tzu. It will be my second Shih Tzu painting.
Also here is my first Chihuahua Small Pet Painting.